My Hero

Created by EMMA 14 years ago
My dad a true hero that no one could ever come close to,my world and my life until he left us,something i can only try to understand. He was kind and gentle and lived his life around our family and our dogs,we were all that he lived for and its so heartbreaking that we now have to live the rest of our lives with this hole in our hearts..and the imprints he'l never make on the grandchildren he never got to see or watch grow up...who would have adored him as he'd have adored them. A man so stuborn and proud and a man of his word who would do anything for anybody..a heart so big and filled with love for us,taken away but never forgotten...not a day passes...always in our hearts,and where ever you are,i hope you are truly at peace,watching proud and seeing the things we all wish you could be here with us to see. I love you dad,i love you always and miss u so much.....until the day i walk back into ur arms xxx